Sunday, June 5, 2011

Episode 2: Viva Las Vegas!

Opens with Ashley repeating greatest fear: falling for someone who doesn’t feel the same.
Cut to Bentley babbling disgusting and generally reprehensible comments.
Aaaaand on with the show!

One on One Date: William is whisked away by Ashley in a white bandage dress and bomber jacket via private jet to Sin City. The date entails all things wedding: cake testing, ring shopping and even a mock chapel ceremony. Because guys totally love that kind of stuff. Amazingly William squeaks out an “I do” and Ashley doesn’t reciprocate “yet” because it would be a legally binding marriage. Then they kiss and crack up about how crazy that almost was because marriage is hilarious. Haha! The next leg of the date, the ‘night portion’ if you will, is a dinner in the middle of the Bellagio fountain. Ashley has changed into an emerald silk dress and William dons some snappier duds as well. It is super romantic to watch the water show mere yards away and a lot of kissing ensues. William gushes that this is the kind of date you have with the person you marry. Let’s hope he does not fall victim to the Great First Date syndrome that ailed Ashley. Of course William gets a rose.

Group Date
Time to dance for your life! Or to stay in Vegas with Ashley for a few more hours. The group date guys must divide into two dance crews and compete in a Dance War. They come up with crew names ‘Best Men’ and ‘No Rhythm Nation.’ ßHa The Best Men choreograph a dance about being stood up at the altar but the execution- among other things- is a little off. No Rhythm Nation does…something but they incorporate Ashley (who can actually dance) into the whole routine, so theirs looks better. Winner: No Rhythm Nation. To me, this is a little stupid because awesome guys like brainiac Ames had to go home while jerks like Bentley got more time with Ash. Blake the dentist scores some one on one time and had a good answer to Ashley’s skepticism about two Type A’s making a relationship work: ‘Twice as perfect.’ While anyone else would have been a wiser choice, for reasons unknown Ashley is won over by Bentley’s “SINcerity” and he wins the group date rose. BOO! It’s off-putting how much extra effort she is spends on their connection and practically begs him to stay. He is boorish and dismissive to Ashley in person, but downright rude in confessionals. “She’s not my type. I’m only in it for the competition aspect.” Etc etc.

Two on One Date: JP vs. Mickey
At first I was thinking ‘Oh no- I don’t want either to go home yet!’ Usually a two on one date is a cage match situation: two men enter, one man leaves. But playing into the Vegas theme, they flipped a coin and Mickey won the coin toss/date. He is the chef from Ohio who kissed Ashley as soon as he got out of the limo; he’s also a dead ringer for Dylan McDermott. Side note: I LOVED that Jeff “The Mask” wears a sleeping mask OVER his regular day mask. Lol

Ashley showed shades of Ali’s insecurity when Mickey arrived “He’s better-looking than I am.” They decided in the spirit of Vegas they would flip a coin for everything: red or white wine, who goes up the wine rappeller cellar, etc. They eat lunch at the Shark Reef Aquarium, which looked amazing.
Mickey: When’s the last time you cried?
Ashley: Watching last season. But I think crying shows that you’re strong.
Mickey revealed that his mother passed away 6 years ago [do any of the bachelors have both of their parents still??] Quick cutback to the mansion where JP is still stewing over losing the coin toss 10 hours later. I thought Ashley took it a little too far when she flipped a coin to determine if Mickey got a rose or not. He thought she was crazy, but he won. Ash said she would have given him a rose anyway. Then she felt like walking on the beach at Mandalay Bay and Colbie Calliat graced the pair with a private concert. Kissing. Great date. Aw.

JP is on the warpath and steals Ashley right away. They flip a coin for a kiss and he loses AGAIN but Ashley kisses him anyway. Now who’s the cupcake? Nick the poetic personal trainer gives a brief line dancing tutorial before William steals Ashley. Ding Dong, here comes drama. William rubs in the romantic details of his Vegas date- which he appeared to keep to himself until this point- gives an annoying/condescending impression to the other guys, AND he has a rose already! The Mask did not go on any of the dates this week, so he vowed if he got some decent one on one time, he would reveal himself to Ashley. He does manage to pull her aside to sit in the dimly lit stairwell of the mansion and tells his harrowing backstory of living underneath an opera house in Paris. Wait wrong mask. He actually suffered a brain hemorrhage while married to his first wife, was rushed to the ICU and pulled through. He was moving to take the mask off when right at that second, Matt showed up on the stairs. Foiled again! Matt is the new Drunk Tim in that he is at odds with The Mask and finds him creepy. Bentley carries Ashley to the fireplace for some canoodling and while she is thinking this is her “fairytale romance,” Bentley is thinking how boring their kiss is. In fact he doesn’t even think he can last two months because he’s so not into Ashley.

Rose Ceremony
Loved Mickey’s lime green shirt/tie combo! LOL at Matt’s reaction to nemesis The Mask getting a rose.

1.       Matt: called his mom and left a sad, sad message.
2.       Stephen
3.       Ryan

Next Week
Bentley: “I’m gonna break Ashley’s heart…I hope my hair looks ok.”
What a jerk!!! I hope he really is leaving next week like the show suggests and this is not a fake out because his misogyny makes him unbearable. I don’t know how any woman could fall for that type of guy. And I’m sort of mad with Ashley because she is ignoring all the warning signals.

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