Monday, July 29, 2013

Bachelorette Desiree Ep 8: Hometown Dates

Zak: Dallas, TX
Zak is very close to his sister à sister is very protective of him
Zak is the oldest son.
Des will be meeting Dad, Mom, Brother and Sister.

Controlled Mayhem
“I had a weird dream….” As many of my friends can attest, I say this quite a lot. But Zak’s “dream” only serves as a segue for Des serving a million kids snow cones while he dresses up in a penguin suit.
The Partridge Family-Feel Good-Fun Time Band segment. Cheesy? Yes. But the lyrics tugged at the heart.

Notable Quotables
Zak: I’d kind of given up on love.
Mom: I know, honey…I was worried about you!

Zak: On the show, I’ve been completely naked at least 3 times. HAHAHA!
Mom: I’m not surprised.

Zak to Des: I love you! Please accept this promise ring. KISS.

Blessing from family: YES

Fashion DO’s
Penguin suits
Promise rings from Atlantic City
Des’ teal leather jacket. Dallas, schmallas- I’m gonna wear what I want!

Drew: Scottsdale, AZ    
Meeting Dad, Mom + New Stepdad, Brother, Sister Melissa, Other Sister + Husband + 2 kids
Dad has never been to Mom’s place until now.
Drew is the youngest.

Controlled Mayhem
Drew & Des pick up severely handicapped sister Melissa.
Drew: She can’t verbalize her feelings, but you can tell if she’s in a good or bad mood.
Melissa grabs Des’ hair.
Drew: She may get grabby. She likes your hair!

Drew, Des and co play a modified version of the Newlywed Game, where the final verdict is Drew + Des = DESTINY!

Notable Quotables
Dad: Do you believe in angels?
Des: Yes.
Dad: Have you ever met one?
Des: No.
Dad: You’re wrong. Melissa is an angel.
Des: [Crying]

Drew: I love you! I’m overwhelmed with LOVE!!! KISS.

Blessing from family: YES

Fashion DO
Pink shirts 
Fashion DON’T
Wearing THE MOST hair gel you ever have on the show. To combat the muggy Scottsdalian weather?
TOO MUCH HAIR WHAAaaaaat was I saying again? ;)

Chris: McMinnville, OR
Meeting Dad, Mom, Sister, Sister + Husband, Brother
Chris is the middle child.

Controlled Mayhem
Chris & Des play baseball on his childhood turf.
Dad adjusts Desiree’s back, which is awkward for Des and the viewing audience.
Dad then gives Chris a nose job, which is disgusting to everyone but Dad and Chris. 

Notable Quotables
Des speaks Chris’ love language, which is hitting baseballs.
Des then subjects Chris to her love language which is a sketchbook of their journey filled with crayon drawings and misspelled words. I might not have Desiree’s set of washboard abs, but at least I can spell words over 2 syllables. Please form an orderly line, gentlemen.

Dad: Is she as health-obsessed as you?
Chris: YES! She even played volleyball in school!

Chris to Des: I love you! KISS.

We also learn Desiree has been living on her own since 18, which probably means no college. Forget spelling. I guess I DO need to get a set of washboard abs.

Mom sounds like she’s been mixing alcohol with some of Dad’s chiropractor pain pills, but she provides the night’s best soundbite:
Good guy, good girl, put them together…and MAGIC!

Blessing from family: YES

Fashion DO
Baby blue baseball tee + black sports eye makeup

Brooks: Salt Lake City, UT
Mom + too many siblings/spouses/children to count

Controlled Mayhem
Recreating the canoe scene from The Notebook…excluding the nearly capsizing part.

Meeting Brooks’ GIANT, gregarious family!

Notable Quotables
Brooks Brother: Can she hang with you, bro??
Brooks: Yes. Yes, she can.
(I think I can speak for the entire viewing audience when I say that was obviously the most pressing question on our minds.)

Des: I love Brooks!

Brooks: I don’t know how I feel about Desiree.

Brooks to Mom: There’s no opinion I value more than yours. You’re my favorite person!

Blessing from MOM/family: YES

Fashion DO’s
Brooks’ socks
Mom’s statement necklace. It was a BIG statement.

Des’ scarf

Desiree’s Jerk Brother: Los Angeles, CA
Des has not seen/spoken to her brother since he ruined her chances with Sean on her hometown date. Des wanted to test the waters and see if he should be included when the final two guys meet her family. Nope. He is still a jerk. Glad we cleared that up.

Rose Ceremony
Debriefing with Chris Harrison
Des to Chris H: I was expecting/hoping for a proposal from Brooks, but I’m confused after Chris’ hometown date. (Honestly I thought Chris’ date seemed the most uncomfortable/awkward, but that could be editing.)

Fashion DO’s
Des’ dress
Chris Harrison’s eggplant tie- delish!

Drew’s purple shirt + pocket square 

Eliminated: Zak L
Zak: I’m so shocked. I feel numb.
Des [handing promise ring back]: My feelings were not at the same place as yours.

Zak gave one of the most touching limo exit monologues to date:
She made me believe in love again. I let myself completely fall. Now I’m going back to a dark place. I’ve tried to find love there before and it hasn’t worked. I don’t want to go back to the life I had. It’s a lonely life.

Des cheers the remaining guys and chirps in voiceover:
There’s NOTHING holding me back from finding The One!
Cue camera pan-out to Jerk Brother lurking in the lobby like a serial killer…and cut to black.


Next Week
Men Tell All:
Michael vs. Ben
Brian vs. the guys
James vs. the WORLD!

In Two Weeks
Romantic Overnight Dates
Everyone is in LOVE with Des
Everyone is crying
Des: I never thought this is where I would be. To be honest, I’m done. I just want to go home!

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